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The Rebel Nutritionist

Apr 25, 2021

It’s one thing if you’re the one who’s suffering, but when your child gets sick, you want to know that you’re able to get them the help they need.
Often a diagnosis will come with medications, side effects and even stigmas sometime that make it hard for both parent and child to cope.
That's what happened to one...

Apr 19, 2021

When you have behaviors that support your goals, chances are that you’ll be successful over time.
Eat well, exercise, rest, drink water, socialize with friends & family and you’re likely to get where you want to go.
The truth is that the only way to get our goals is to stick to solid and supportive behaviors on a...

Apr 12, 2021

If you haven’t been feeling well for a while, it can be hard to imagine that you’ll feel good again.

Especially if everything you’ve tried isn’t working the way the health professionals promised.

On this episode, my friend and client Linda discusses her experience with acid reflux and how her daily dose of...

Apr 5, 2021

I truly hate the culture of diet mentality that exists for most of us today.

I hate it because the mentality is backwards. And it can do such damage to our long-term health.

This episode of the podcast covers why your health shouldn’t fit in a box that says gluten is bad or bans you from pasta for life and why your...