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The Rebel Nutritionist

Jul 9, 2024

Protein, protein, protein.  This topic is everywhere. And I literally mean everywhere.  It is one of the most trending topics on social media, and people are talking about it wherever I go.

Yet have you ever wondered where we get the recommendations that we do?  Have you ever thought about whether or not what you have been told is correct?  Seems like there are so many so-called experts out there, and so many studies that contradict one another, how do we even know where to start with all of it?

This is the topic of our discussion today.  Dr. Sherri Greene and I try to debunk the false “truths” and help you truly understand what is behind the protein debacle.  

If you are curious about how much you need, and where to get it, and who to trust, you will want to listen to this.

If you are looking to heal your body and live a healthy long life. You will especially want to hear this.

Don’t miss this one. It’s chock full of great information for you!

To learn more about Sherri, visit her website.