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The Rebel Nutritionist

Sep 20, 2022

I am so thrilled to introduce this part two of my conversation with Barbara Capp, licensed clinical psychologist with a specialization in disordered eating behaviors.

Today we continue our conversation about disordered eating and take a little bit of a different spin. Our discussion today was focused on the parents.

We talk about how to best include parents into the conversation about eating disorders and how sensitive a topic it truly is. According to Barbara, it there is a spectrum of engagement when it comes to parents and how they handle a child with disordered behavior. The one thing we do know is that it is never just about the food, or controlling how much a child is or is not eating. It’s often about the family dynamic and the role that everyone plays.

This can be a scary and uncomfortable place for so many parents to “live,” yet with the help of a professional Barbara explains that there is success and accomplishment if we can simply start the conversation and make it about connection.

Take a listen! What a great conversation this was!