Dec 17, 2024
We all need to eat to survive. We assume that eating is second nature. But did you know that there are many factors that impact how a person consumes food?
We often hear the term “picky eater,” it’s often just an assumption that this type of behavior goes along with childhood development. But did you know that...
Dec 3, 2024
I never truly knew or understood how impactful body work could be until I interviewed Faysal Abi today on my podcast.
Faysal is a leader in the area of understanding the human body’s design, function, pain and the mind-body connection to it. If you are dealing with any type of chronic pain issue you are going to...
Nov 12, 2024
I love the incredible amount of detail I learn from a client’s genetic report. From there I create a DNA blueprint that takes all that technical knowledge and turns it into something they can understand and use to create real change in their lives.
So many people come to me having spoken to other doctors or health...
Oct 29, 2024
Were you ever prescribed a medication and didn’t question why or for how long or even what it was for exactly? Did you have a say in this decision? Would you prefer to NOT be on any medications at all?
Well if you answered yes to any of these you will want to listen to this podcast.
Today I talk with Howie Kra, who...
Oct 15, 2024
There’s a lot of buzz going around on social media about our food. Specifically around the quality of our food and how so many chemicals have made their way into the supply chain of the foods we eat.
The impact of this is far reaching and has significant health consequences both for adults and children.
The rise of...